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The course in evening readings from the languages is one of the most instructive exercises which are given the students, supplementary to the college course. Although at present no provision has been made for readings from the Latin or German, the high order of the readings in Greek and French promises well for the success of those given later. Nothing can so stimulate the student to a desire to become intimately acquainted with a language and its literature as contact with a master of the language. This is foreseen in the selection of the professors who are to give the readings. Professor Goodwin and Professor Bocher are good exponents of their departments, and every student should attend their readings. Professor Bocher has recognized the immense capability of such study as is employed in an evening reading, and has established one of his most successful courses upon this idea. We feel that it would greatly extend the German department if such a course were established in it. No institution of the University deserves better patronage from the students than the evening readings, and none will better repay the student for the time which it gives it.
