

The Bowdoin team is reported to be much stronger than last year.

Last Saturday the Memorial Halls won their second game from the University Press nine. Score, 17 to 9.

Amherst was out-played at every point by the Springfields on Saturday, and was defeated by a score of 7 to 1.

Games not noted elsewhere, in which college teams took part on Saturday: At Providence, Providences 19, Brown 3; at Brocton, Broctons 21, Tufts 6.

Any member of the base-ball association can obtain tickets to the class games free by applying to Mr. A. D. Claflin, 11 Weld, after Wednesday.


Nichols would undoubtedly have made three home runs Saturday instead of two, had not one of his long hits to the left field struck a post and rebounded.

In the game with the Boston Unions on Saturday, Dartmouth excelled her opponents in batting and fielding, but was defeated by a score of 6 to 3, owing to her poor base running.

Those who wish to accompany the nine on their trip to Providence Saturday, are requested to sign the book which will be placed at Leavitt and Pierce's. If a large number go, the fare will be one dollar for the round trip.

The first college championship game will be played between Dartmouth and Amherst, at Amherst, on Thursday. There will be two other championship games this week: Dartmouth vs. Yale, at New Haven, and Harvard vs. Brown at Providence.

Our nine will play the following games this week: Tuesday, with Bowdoin, at Cambridge; Wednesday, with Cochituates, at Cambridge; Thursday, with picked nine from Boston, at Cambridge; Saturday, with Brown (championship) at Providence.

Although Yale was beaten by the Bostons Saturday, by a score of 21 to 6, she succeeded in batting Whitney very freely, making 11 hits, total 15. It was the poor fielding which brought about the defeat, 25 errors being made by the collegians; every man made at least one error.
