
Note and Comment.


The Oberlin Review, in an editorial complaining of the injustice of the student being obliged to take elocution as an extra, if taken at all, thus not having it count towards a degree, goes on to speak in the following terms of the value of the study:

"Now we admit that is a fine thing to be a thorough classical scholar that it is no small honor to lead one's class in mathematics, that the student who enters heartily into the Natural Sciences will be repaid by the pleasure he receives; but we honestly believe that the one who, if need be, neglects any of these things a little that he may learn better to express his thoughts and his voice, will be better prepared for whatever practical work may come to him in the future, and, therefore, it seems to us that elocution should at least be a regular elective in the course, if not one of the required studies."
