
The Junior vs. University Crew.

Very few students were aware that an event of some importance in boating would take place yesterday afternoon, and consequently few saw the mile race between the junior and the university crews. The tide was flowing in, and the wind was blowing from the starboard side, so that neither of the crews made very fast time. In the start at the Brookline bridge, eighty-six, by rowing a very fast stroke, man aged to lead the university crew for a short time. Gradually, however, the superior skill and muscle of the latter crew brought it to the front. When the crews passed the Crescent boathouse, about one-half mile down the course, where the senior crew was watching the race, the university crew had an easy lead of about two lengths. By rowing a longer and better finished stroke than the juniors, they increased the lead to some three or four lengths at the end of the mile.
