

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- There will be a meeting at 6 Thayer Hall to night at 7 1-2 o'clock. Bring College Songs.

H. D. HALE.H. P. C.- The theatrical group will be photographed to day, at half-past eleven, Pach's Studio. Chorus and principals must meet at 1 Beck Hall, at half-past ten, to dress.

J. G. MUMFORD.SOPHOMORE DINNER.- All sophomores who have not yet paid their subscriptions to the class dinner, are requested to do so at once. Mr. J. S. Whistler, 19 Holyoke, is the treasurer.

NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY-Meeting at 7.30 P. M. in Mass. 2 Communications by T. W. Harris:- Recent Geological Changes on the South Shore of Massachusetts Bay. J. E. Humphrey:- On the Collection and Preservation of Marine Alge. G. H. Parker:- Protozoa.

WM. W. NOLEN, Vice-Pres. Nat, Hist. Society.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- The match to be opened to-day will be shot under the following conditions: 10 single birds, five angles; 10 double birds, all at 18 yards rise. The aggregate of the two best scores made in the three competitions will count for prizes. Four prizes will be rewarded, a cup and three medals. Entries, 50 cents for the three competitions. Class shooting to decide winners. At the close of the regular match there will be practice shooting.


F. B. AUSTIN, Sec'y.
