Tech. vs. Brown to-day at Providence.
Table 27 in Memorial has been given to the sophomore crew.
Baldwin is at present rowing in the place of Gorham in the '85 crew.
A game of base-ball is being planned between the '85 and '86 Signet.
Junior Theme VI, an argument, will be due Thursday, April 30.
The Freshman crew will not go to a training table until after the class races.
Hartley, a former member of the university eleven and '86 crew, was in Cambridge yesterday.
There will be a game between the Harvard and Somerville Lacrosse teams in Cambridge next Saturday.
Excursion in N. H. 5 to Nahant tomorrow. Train leaves Eastern depot, Boston, at 9 A. M. Low tide at 11 A. M.
The Directors of Memorial Hall are planning a dinner at which they can commemorate their trials and victories during the past year.
Messrs. Huddleston, Rogers, and Hayward have been appointed a committee to take charge of the annual elections at Memorial, which will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, April 29th and 30th.
Doctor Dudley A. Sargent lectured last evening before the Boston Y. M. C. U. on "How to get Recreation in Exercise."
The Columbia Spectator eloquently calls for subscriptions from the students and friends of the college for the Bartholdi pedestal.
A second nine has been formed of Memorial Hall waiters styled the "Lead Heels." They played the first nine yesterday.
The 'Varsity nine defeated the freshmen, yesterday afternoon, 21 to 10. Tilden was five times at the bat, and made five hits, with a total of 11.
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