A rumor is current in the college that President Eliot intends to take an extended vacation next year. The custom of giving occasional vacations to the members of the faculty and other officers of the college is most commendable, inasmuch as these temporary absences from college duty results in an increase of vigor in filling the positions which the gentlemen thus favored occupy. Recognizing the efficacy of the custom, the faculty have fallen into the habit of granting similar vacations to the students,-some of six months duration, or, in a few cases, even as much as a year. At the risk of seeming to offer gratuitous advice, we would respectfully suggest that a suitable vacation be also given to the Dean and the Registrar next year. Both these men have been severely overworked of late years, and if the nine comes out victorious in many games this spring, the increase in the amount of business to be done in U. 5 will be such as to render a term of rest, not an undesirable object for the above mentioned officers of the college.
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The Ninety-One Nine.