
Fact and Rumor.

No recitation in Greek 10 to-day.

Next summer's vacation will be for fourteen weeks, instead of thirteen, as usual.

The nine will attend the H. P. C. theatricals this evening by invitation of the club.

Carl Schurz will lecture in Tremont Temple, Wednesday evening, on "Abraham Lincoln."

President Walker of the Institute intends to go abroad with his family in about a month.


President White, of Cornell, is quoted as being in favor of the abolition of morning prayers in our colleges.-Ex.

Dr. Peabody preached a very impressive sermon last evening on the idea "Therefore," in the Christian religion.

The Directors of Memorial have granted the petition of the sophomore crew, asking for a training table in the hall.

It is rumored that President Eliot will take a year's vacation next year. He will sail for Europe next September.

Athenaeum: Professor in French: "Ces Dames." Student takes him at his word-general confusion ensues.-Ex.

Prof. Sanborn of Cornell is re-organizing the department of Social Science and has already made several beneficial changes.

The University of Pennsylvania has gained during the past year, fifteen new professors and instructors. There are now 143 active teachers and 4 emeritus professors. Two new departments have been added, those of Physical Culture and Biology.

The Wisconsin Assembly has appropriated $231,000 to repair the damage to their state university by the fire of last December.

To-night.-Lecture by Mr. Bowen. '85, Tremont Temple, Boston; Hasty Pudding Theatricals, Horticultural Hall, Boston.

The game of Lacrosse between the Harvard and Cambridge teams, which was to have been played Saturday, has been indefinitely postponed.
