
Fact and Rumor.

The Tennis Club of Yale has voted to join the National Lawn Tennis Association.

Besides the regular freshman eight, four substitutes row every day in double sculls.

The regular lectures in History 11, on Saturday, will be continued for the rest of the term.

The first four of the Superior Court of the Pow Wow are, Goodate, Nutter, Sanford and Storrow.

The theatricals of the Hasty Pudding Club occur to-night at Horticulcultural Hall in Boston.


The Dartmouths defeated the Techs. Wednesday afternoon. Score, 17 to 3. Errors, Dartmouths, 22; Techs 27.

The marriage of Onativia, '85, to Miss Julia B. Cushman of Albany, occurred in that city last Wednesday.

Yale plays the following clubs during the rest of this month : Brooklyns, 18th; Hartfords, 22nd; Bostons, 25th; Providence, 29th.

President Porter begins this week his lectures to the Yale seniors on "The Choice of a Profession." Comparisons are odious.

The auditor's report to be posted today, shows that the price of board at Memorial Hall for the month of March was $3.91 per week. This includes the head money.

The first ten of the Institute of 1770 from '88 as elected last evening are : C. F. Adams, F. G. Balch, J. W. Appleton, C. Amory, F. J. Bradlee, F. C. Woodman, C. A. Porter, J. R. Purdon, J. S. Tooker, E. A. Fargo.

The Hedonean Society of the Annex gave a theatrical performance yesterday, to which none but members of the society were admitted. The young ladies taking part are said to have acquitted themselves with great credit.

A number of freshmen met last evening, and started the organization of an eighty-eight Lacrosse team. F. B. Lund was elected captain, and M. R. Peck, manager and secretary. The team has already received a challenge from a club in Everett.

A Harvard quartette, consisting of Messrs. Briggs, Stewart, Howard and Eaton, is one of the latest musical attractions. These gentlemen have given several concerts during this last week. The Yale News speaks of a concert given in New Haven in complimentary terms.

The officers of the Inter-Collegiate Tennis Association met in New Haven early this week. The constitution was improved principally in the wording, and will be submitted to the association next fall. The votes of the different members on the place for the tournament to be held next fall were opened, and it was found that the new grounds of the New Haven club had been selected, in preference to those of Harvard by a vote of 5 to 4.

Sophomore Theme VI will be an argument. The following subjects are suggested, but the choice is not restricted to them-(1). Webster's political attitude at the time of his 7th of Mar Speech. (2.) Did the circumstances justify Webster s argument in the White murder case ?. (3). Is Mr. Arnold's estimate of Emerson adequate ? (4). Can Emerson be truly called a "Spiritual Son of Carlyle ?" (5). Was Carlyle's life in accord with his teaching ? (6). Can Mr. Fronde be justified for revealing the private life of Carlyle ? (7). The political economy of the "Deserted Village." A short synopsis, simply to indicate the main points in the argument, will be due on Thursday, April 23rd; on the following Thursday, April 30th, the synopsis will be returned, and on Thursday, May 7th, the theme will be due.
