The following is from the News of April 10:
"The University crew, as usual, stayed in New Haven during the greater part of the recess. On Wednesday morning of last week they took their annual spring stroke-down, rowing about twelve miles without a break, in the barge. Sliding seats were used in this row for the first time this year, but the distance allowed to each man was limited to a few inches. The last row before breaking up, was taken on Saturday morning in a driving rain storm. Form that time until Wednesday afternoon by a four-mile pull in the harbor. All the coaching was done by Mr. Hull from the launch. The positions were occupied as follows:
Bow, Farrington, '86, S. S. S.
2. Vernon, '86.
3. Patten, '86, S. S. S.
4. Cowles, '86.
5. Peters, '86.
6. Hobbs, '85.
7. Storrs, '85.
8. Flanders, '85.
Parrott, L. S., No. 6 of last year's crew, joined the crew on Wednesday, and will occupy his old place again. Cowles will probably go to 2 and Hobbs to 4. Vernon and Farrington seem at present to be the most conspicuous candidates for the vacant position of four. The average of the crew this year will undoubtedly be heavier than it was last year, since all of the seven old men are heavier than they were then."
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