
Fact and Rumor.

Princeton vs. Philadelphia, to-day, at Princeton.

The championship pennant has been awarded to '87.

The Glee Club will give a concert in Belmont in the course of a week.

E. D. Brandegee, captain of the '81 'Varsity crew, was with us Monday afternoon.

The ball game between Dartmouth and Techs, announced for yesterday, has been postponed till to-day.


F. H. Stanyan, '87 is at present occupying a position on the reportorial staff of the Troy Telegraph.

Yale played a tie game of base ball with Waterbury, Saturday afternoon. Score 5 to 5. Errors, Yale 11, Waterbury 6.

Twenty-three men have signed at Bartlett's for the sophomore class dinner. All who intend to attend the dinner are requested to sign as soon as possible.

A notice from McKemp P. Battle, of the University of North Carolina, is posted in University. This notice, after stating that professors in English Language and Literature, Theory and Art of Teaching (Pedagogics), Agricultural Chemistry and Mining, and assistant professors in Economic Geology, Botany, Eutomology, Physics and Engineering, are desired, requests all applicants to send their names and credentials before June 1. Here is a grand chance for young aspirants.

George Bancroft has given $10,000 to the city of Worcester to found a scholarship in memory of his father and mother. The income is to be used to assist young men through college.

Dr. A. P. Peabody, Rev. Phillips Brooks, Rev. Brooke Herford, and Dr. Courtney will conduct the services in Appleton Chapel for the next four Sunday evenings.

The first eight of the O. K. from '86 is as follows: T. T. Baldwin, W. S. Barnes, W. M. Fullerton, A. B. Houghton, H. LaMonte, T. P. Sanborn, G. Santayana, and C. M. Thompson.

At the last meeting of the Delta Upsilon, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term : Pres., C. M. Harrington '85; Vice-Pres., C. Von Klenze, '86; Secretary, G. E. Howes, '86; Treasurer, A. A. Gleason, '86.

The Inter-collegiate Cricket Association met last Saturday afternoon in New York. Harvard, Haverford, Columbia and Pennsylvania were represented. Mr. H. L. Clark of Harvard, was elected president for one year. The champion cup was awarded to Haverford. The programme for the spring matches was arranged in part as follows : June 6, at Nicetown, Pennsylvania vs. Haverford; June 22, at Philadelphia, Harvard vs. Haverford; June 23, at Nicetown, Harvard vs. Pennsylvania.
