
No Headline

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last issue of the DAILY CRIMSON. Gradually it became lighter in tone, gradually, we must admit, it became less truly literary in character. The first paper undertook alone to represent the whole of college life, now three are required,-four, for the CRIMSON SUPPLEMENT is so different from the daily issue that it is in reality another publication. Until the appearance of the last named sheet, we really have had no literary paper for some years. We have had a humorous paper, a light-almost dilettantic-paper, and a newspaper; and the change in the character of our periodicals does not seem to have proved beneficial to the literary training of contributors. The contributor to the magazine was put upon his metal to write the best essay or criticism in his power. It was in work of this kind that such men as Edward Everett, Cornelius C. Felton, J. O. Sargeaut, James Russell Lowell, Rufus King. James Freeman Clark, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and others were trained.

It is to be hoped that the literary supplement of the CRIMSON will exert the same influence as the old magazines did, and that if there be talent in the college now such as there was in those days, it will help in bringing it out.

