The communication, urging the establishment of a course in stenography, which we publish this morning, we think voices the opinion of a large body of students in college. We spoke editorially, some time ago, of the need of such a course, not only as a great aid to men in their note-taking in college, but especially as valuable for such as intend to make the law or journalism a profession. We understand that the faculty would not be willing to have such a course count for a degree, on the ground that such an accomplishment is not part of a liberal education. Waiving the objection, although it can apply with equal force to some courses already in the curriculum, we think that a sufficient number of men would take it as an extra to warrant the experiment. The expense, which in the minds of the authorities is the really strong argument against it, need not be great; for an expert could be hired for a sum not very large to give instruction, say, three hours a week, which would probably be sufficient.
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