
Fact and Rumor.

Freshmen of Boston University have formed a chess club.

There was a Geological Seminar, yesterday afternoon.

There are 190 college papers in the United States.

The Yale crew rowed in the harbor, yesterday, for the first time.

L. J. Henderson, a former member of '85, was in Cambridge. yesterday.


The Winter Meetings will begin this year at two o'clock, instead of half past two.

William M. Evarts, and Samuel J. Tilden were classmates at Yale in the class of 1837.

The Glee Club and Pierian Sodality will give a "coffee party," on Thursday, March 12th.

Yale chapel has been presented with a new window, made by Tiffany of New York.

A book called "Foot Ball. Its history for five centuries," has been published in England.

W. K. Barton, '86, has been offered a second-lieutenancy in the United States Marine Corps.

Any member of the Art Club who wishes a ticket to the exhibition of the Paint and Clay Club. can obtain one by calling at M. 14.

The North Dormitory of the Agricultural College at Amherst, was burned Feb. 4th, at a loss of $30.000.

Rumor has it that three members of the University have challenged the united chess club to a championship game.

Dr. Laughlin will resume his work with the sections in Pol. Econ. 1, next Monday. The two sections will meet at 9 and 10 A.M. in Harvard 6.

The stationary bicycle recently placed in the gymnasium has proved unsatisfactory, and was removed yesterday. Another will probably take its place.

The historical concerts to be given by Prof. J. K. Paine, will take place on Thursday, March 13, Wednesday, March 25, and on the Thursdays, from 9th up to 28th of May, inclusive.

Harris, pitcher of the Amherst College nine, has been dangerously ill, owing to an accident received in the laboratory, but it is not expected that this will interfere with his appearance upon the diamond.

The farce presented at the meeting of the Everett Athenaeum last evening was very successful. It was conspicuous for its humor, character and originality. The actors were, Messrs. Cunningham, Tuthill, Weed, Dudley, and J. H. Knapp.

Marlin, a Yale sophomore, who plays in the Lincoln polo team of New Haven, is claimed by the papers of that city to be the best polo rusher in the country. Probably they have never heard of Tully or Cotter, whose equals have not yet been found.

Professor Sumner of Yale said recently to an interviewer: "I have examined with great care the new Harvard scheme, and I think it an admirable scheme. It is judicious, and marks an important step in the improvement of university education."

The following is the executive committee of the Harvard Union for the ensuing half year, Messrs. J. M. Merriam, '86, chairman, ex-officio, S. J. Jennings, '85, G. P. F. Hobson, '86, E. J. Rich, '87, and J. Loeb, '88. As Sever 11 is engaged for every Thursday evening during the rest of the year, the meetings of the Union must be held on other evenings. The next meeting will probably be held on Tuesday, March 24.
