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It is reported that the Overseers are making a series of visits to Appleton Chapel during morning prayers. What their purpose is, we do not know, except that it has some connection with the recent prayer petition. Perhaps they are criticising the service, with a view to making it more palatable to the non-conformists,-if the petitioners may be called so; or, perhaps they are taking evidence from the faces of the congregation as to whether there is much good derived from compulsory chapel-going. We sincerely hope the former contingency is not the actual case. Improvements in the service, if they are possible, will not avail much in the present state of the prayer question. The fact is, the men who signed the prayer petition did so because they object to take religion under compulsion, and not from dissatisfaction with the service. This objection, however, is one which can not be obviated by anything short of voluntary chapel.
