Persons connected with the H. P. C. Theatricals will leave Boston for New York on B. and A. R. R., at 4.30 P.M., Sunday, April 5th. Any member of the club can get the advantage of reduced railroad and hotel rates, by making a written application to me before Tuesday morning, March 31st.
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JUSTICE SWAYZE'S LECTUREHon. F. J. Swayze '79, Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey and member of the Board of New
Pennsylvania Game Tickets.Tickets for the Pennsylvania football game, to be played on Franklin Field, Philadelphia on Saturday, November 7, are now on
Notice.There will be an extra performance of the H. P. C. theatricals in Boston, on the evening of Monday, April
Judge Cooley's Lecture.The third lecture in the Finance club course was given last evening in Sanders Theatre by Hon. Thomas M. Cooley,
NOTICE.Freshmen who intend to go to Exeter and attend the foot-ball game on Wednesday the 31st, can secure tickets at
NOTICE.Tickets for the public meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America on Wednesday evening, October 31st, can be obtained at