WANTED.- A boy to do errand work in the evening; apply at 23 Thayer.
FOR SALE.- Three reserved seats for the third winter meeting, west side of gallery, front row. Apply at Bartlett's.
WANTED.- Two reserved seats for the winter meeting Saturday. Call or address, A. D. C., 11 Weld.
J. F. Noera has removed to Holyoke Street, opposite Holyoke House, where he will continue his business as usual.
J. Dudley Hall, Organist of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Boston, will receive pupils in pianoforte, organ playing, and harmony. Thorough grounding in harmony and technical principles guaranteed. 125 Tremont St., room 8, Boston.
The most complete and reliable establishment for repairing clothes is at J. F. Noera's. His new steam naphtha process for cleansing clothes is in ne plus ultra. Holyoke Street, opp. Holyoke House.
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Harvard Rifles.