Mr. Bowen of the senior class has been engaged for some months in preparing a lecture upon Harvard, which he intends to give during the coming summer, in various cities and towns of the country. Feeling, however, that the most critical audience would be those most concerned-Harvard students themselves,-the gentleman has kindly consented to give a private rehearsal of his lecture this evening before the members of his class, to whom he has accordingly sent invitations. The lecture, we learn, will be called "Harvard University, or, What I saw at College," and will be illustrated by stereopticon views. Among the views will be the interior of the library, interior of Memorial at lunch time, an instantaneous picture of the men running to chapel just as the last notes of the bell are ringing out, several portraits of participants in the torch light procession, and many other pictures equally interesting. Judging from the careful preparation, we think the lecture will be of great interest to us all here at Harvard, and even more so to those who are not as well acquainted with Harvard, and its surroundings, as are the students. The enterprise of the gentleman who has conceived the project of giving to the world a student's view of Harvard is commendable and will, we hope, meet with the success it deserves.
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The Freshman Race with Columbia.