
Fact and Rumor.

The second Forensic is due one week from yesterday.

The directors of Memorial have a meeting this afternoon at 1.30.

The lecture in N. H. 3 was delivered at the Botanic Gardens yesterday.

There was a cut in History 11 yesterday, owing to the illness of Prof. McVane.

The University of Pennsylvania is to have a professional foot ball trainer next fall.


The Dartmouth nine promises to be as strong in its batting this year as it was last.

The treasurer of the Amherst nine has already succeeded in raising $1,000 for the support of his team.

It is rumored that a Harvard quintette in conjunction with Camilla Urso, will give a concert at Yale.

The Trinity College Athletic Association has decided to give a gymnasium exhibition in the near future.

A professor at Trinity College has offered out of his own purse, a prize of twenty dollars to the member of the Sophomore class who passes the best examination in Crutwells "History of Roman Literature."

It is stated that one of the great causes of failure in southern colleges is the indifference and even opposition of the faculties to athletic sports.

According to Prof. Loomis of Yale College, last month was the coldest February, with two exceptions, that there has been for one hundred years.-Ex.

The director of the gymnasium should see that the "muckers" be kept out of the gymnasium proper. They occupy the south end seats in great numbers every afternoon.

At the annual meeting of the Yale athletic association, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Winston, '86; Vice-President, Bond, '86; Secretary, Brensmade, '87.

One of our prominent amateur photographers has voluntered to take the next winter meeting, spectators and contestants, and the directors of the H. A. A. have accepted his proposal.

The coming winter meeting promises to be one of the best held for years, as up to date there is only one event in which the contestant will have a walk-over, and that may have more than one entry before Friday night.

A lecture in History 13 will be delivered to-day, at 4 P. M. Dr. Hart desires to finish his part of the course as soon as possible before the spring vacation, no lecture being given on the last day of the term. After the vacation Dr. Taussig will conduct the course.

Fourteen new chest weights have been set up in the gymnasium recently. They will be greatly appreciated by those who do not belong to any college team, and consequently do not get many chances to use the chest weights late in the afternoon.

The exhibition of German duelling which was to take place last Saturday, has been postponed until the third winter meeting. There will probably be four contestants, and a cup has been offered by the H. A. A. Either Prof. Croswell or Dr. Francke will be referee, as both have had experience in the German Universities.
