
Everett Athenaeum Minstrel Show.

The audience that assembled at the Athenxum rooms last evening was very large. The programme consisted of Part I, a Minstrel Show, with the following taking part: H. E. Peabody (interlocutor); J. H. Knapp and A. R. Weed (bones); J. B. T. Tuthill and F. H. Stanyan (tambos); and Messrs. A. T. Dudley, Luce, Eldredge, Bowen, Bourne, Ames, Parmenter, Hale, J. W. Dudley, and G. P. Knapp; and Part II, Song and Dance, Mr. J. H. Knapp, Bouquet of Reveries, F. H. Stanyan, singing by quartette, Messrs. Eldredge, A. T. Dudley, J. W. Dudley, and H. E. Peabody, and a farce, entitled "A Big Mistake;" Dramatis Personae, Messrs. Knapp, Bowen, Hale, J. W. Dudley.

The entertainment was a great success. The wit was brilliant, and what is more, largely original. Music was afforded by the following orchestra: Messrs. Elgutter, '87, (leader), Burbank, '87, Lothrop, '87, Whipple, '88, Snow, '85, Carpenter, '88, Morris, '85, Tuttle, '87, Day, '86, Babbitt, '86, and Blake, '87.
