
The Yale Crew.

The following extract from the Yale News will be of interest to boating men in college: "The number of candidates has dwindled down to twelve; of these six are of last year's crew, and all of them will probably be in the boat again this year; it being a boating custom here at Yale to cling to all men who have ever had a seat in a university boat. The crew rows as follows generally. though some of the other candidates at times occupy 1 and 2.


8. Flanders, 169

7. Storrs, 168

6. Hobbs, 187


5. Peters, 187

4. Cowles, 180

3. Patten, 178

2. Vernon, 168

1. Farrington, 165

The crew will, of course, stay here and row during the spring recess. There seems to be no regular coach as yet, Mr. Hull, last year's coach, has been down several times on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, and it is hoped that he may be able to take entire charge of the crew.
