G. C. Baker, '87, S. S., has left college.
The bow oar of the Oxford crew weighs only 150 lbs.
Great interest in rowing is being shown at both Brown and Bowdoin.
E. E. Richards, Jr. captain of the Yale foot ball eleven has an article in Outing.
Oniy seven men are in training for positions in the Cornell inter-collegiate boat.
Five of the waiters at Memorial have seen service there for nearly twelve years.
F. W. Knowles, '88, who was trying for coxswain of the class crew, has left college.
The University of Michigan has just been presented with a law library of 5,000 volumes.
The fellowships and scholarships at Oxford are said to amount to more than $500,000 annually.
The University of Pennsylvania is to have a new gymnasium, costing over fifty thousand dollars.
There are nineteen Harvard alumni in the Columbia Law School, thirteen in the senior, and six in the junior class.
There has been great complaint lately about the tardiness of the Co-operative Society in sending for text books.
The University of Virginia has no prescribed course of study, no entrance examinations, no vacation except the summer one, and but six holidays.
While the ice on the Charles River basin was in good condition, a number of Harvard men fitted out an ice boat and daily enjoyed exciting sport.
Copies of the twenty-second annual catalogue of the Columbia Law School have been received through the mail by all members of the senior class.
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Track and Field Athletics at Yale.