
Fact and Rumor.

The Shooting Club will open a new series of matches to-morrow.

The Base Ball Association purposes organizing a second nine immediately.

On Monday next, there will be a one-hour examination in Chemistry 2.

Efforts are being made at Yale to revive the formerly popular hare and hounds club.

The Harvard quartette will sing at Music Hall, Providence, to-morrow evening.


The Princetonian has an article advocating the continuance of compulsory prayers.

Bates college has a brass band, of which the students say, "it would do honor to the college before any audience."

It is hoped that Gilman will be sufficiently recovered from his lameness to anchor the senior tug-of-war team on Saturday next.

From the present condition of the river, it seems doubtful if the crews get upon the water for some time to come.

It has been decided that the class races shall be rowed on either Friday, May 1, or Saturday, May 2. The former date seems preferable, since it allows of a postponement, if any prove necessary.

A fire in a carpenter shop on Boylston street-late Brighton-last evening, at about 10.30, drew out a large and enthusiastic audience of students.

It is said that Princeton intends to play two games of ball against the Bostons before the opening of the college championship season.

The following official notice has been received by the Base Ball Association:


Mr. B. B. Thayer. Sir.- Will you please see that the portable bulletin boards are not put out again this spring.

Yours truly,

F. B. KNAPP, Superintendent of Buildings.
