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Student life is always thought to be characterized bya hearty espritducorps. This is undoubtedly true of the greater number of colleges, especially American colleges. Of late years, however, it has become whispered that Harvard is losing this spirit of good-fellowship. It is said that the men studying at Cambridge are broken up into cliques. It is hinted that class feeling is but a tradition of the past,- and recent events seem to indicate that this statement is a true one.

Eighty-six, with almost 250 men on its rolls, votes to have a class dinner. A committee is appointed by which all the necessary arrangements are made. A book is opened,- and then what happens? Out of the 250 juniors less than a fifth respond! Can eighty-six, after the reputation it has made for itself in its college career, afford to allow this class dinner fail through sheer indifference? We think not. We even venture to hope that, not 50 only, but 100 juniors will improve this opportunity to revive the smouldering sparks of class spirit which still glows among the dull ashes of "Harvard indifference."
