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A suggestion, the essence of which appears in our news columns, that class crew tables should be established at Memorial Hall, is particularly timely. That the plan has never been thought of before is the most peculiar thing about it. The question of holding down the expenses of the class crews is as live a one as that of economy in the university crew. Good training food, if a little extra is paid for it, can be obtained at Memorial as well as at any of the high priced boarding houses, and at a much less cost. Consequently, if the crews board at Memorial, the difference between what the men pay regularly for their board and the training table price will be much decreased.

The management of the Dining Association say that they are perfectly willing to accommodate crew tables, if only enough men will consent to change their seats, and allow each crew to be seated all at one table. Here is a chance for the men of the different classes to show their interest in their crews by changing seats with crew men.
