The final competition of the shotgun series was contested at Watertown, yesterday afternoon, under somewhat unpleasant weather conditions. The fifteen members of the club who were on the grounds found high scores to be anything but easy to secure in the face of the raw, chilly wind. The summary of the meeting follows:
MATCH A.- First, F. Austin, F. S. Palmer, 6 each; second, J. D. Bradley, W. Oakes, Slocum, Von Stork, 4 each.
MATCH B.- First, Slocum, 8; second, F. Austin, Meade, Palmer, 6 each; third, Bradley, Clyde, Rantoul, Von Storck, 5 each.
MATCH C.- First, Bradley, Slocum, 8 each; second, F. Austin, J. Austin, Meade, Palmer, 7 each.
The winners in the several matches were the following: (A) F. B. Austin, first; W. H. Slocum, second. (B) F. S. Palmer, first; J. D. Bradley, second; F. S. Meade, third. (C) J. W. Austin, first; T. C. Von Storck, second; P. F. Folsom, third.
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