
Note and Comment.

A Dartmouth correspondent of the Exonian in the course of a letter remarks: "When I touch upon base-ball at Dartmouth, I am well aware that I am nearing delicate ground, because our position last year was not one calculated to call forth general acclamation. However, there is always that bright beacon - hope-and it really looks now as if we might "take a brace." Our prospective pitcher is Dillon, of '88, who in form and action resembles your old foe, Vinton, more than anyone else I have ever seen. One of the Western college journals says that 'Dartmouth has a phenomenal pitcher.' We do not claim that as yet, but hope for much. The positions of second base, short-stop and left-field will probably be filled by last year's players. Clarkson, of the Chicagos, is training the band of aspirants for fame, and he reports good spirit and good material."
