

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON.-Your editorial of the 17th ult. on the inefficiency of the German department, has not, it seems, produced the desired effect. Not only has no head to the department been appointed, but the methods of one instructor in particular have established no attempts at improvement. The instructor in question, day after day, ignores completely the presence of half the men in his sections; in fact, to make the matter worse, often calling upon the more fortunate students twice or more times in the course of a recitation. This is common talk among the men of the freshman class, and it is surprising that dissatisfaction has not made its appearance in your columns ere this.

It is a very disagreeable task to disapprove in such a public manner the methods of a personally pleasant man; but something must be done to remedy this manifest injustice. There are some men who have been called upon but once this year, a circumstance well calculated to kill all proficiency in the subject. It is wholly essential that as many men as possible should be given an opportunity to pronounce the difficult words for which German is noted. As it is, many men are literally afraid of their own voices, into such long disuse have they come. '88.
