The following is the text of the letter of thanks sent by President Eliot to the English gentlemen composing the committee throung whose instrumentality the bust of Longfellow was recently presented to the university:
To the Executive Committee of the Longfellow Memorial Fund.- Gentlemen: The president and fellows of Harvard College desire me to thank you for your gift of a copy of the bust of Henry Wadsworth longfellow, which has recently been placed, through your agency, in Westminister Abbey. The university welcomes this pledge of the literary fellowship between England and America, which the labors of the poet you have so honorably commemorated did much to promote. The bust has arrived in safety; and will be placed, with an inscription telling whence it came, in the library, among other mementoes of benefactors and eminent graduates of the university, and will there make known to future generations of students the features of one whose gracious presence was long familiar in the academic halls and grounds, and whose memory is cherished wherever the English language is spoken. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, with the highest respect, your obedient servant,
CHARLES W. ELLOT, President.
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