We have emerged, at last, from the dark valley of the semis, and find ourselves to-day once more upon the level and pleasant plain of every-day student life. Life is very endurable now, with the semis just passed, and the finals yet dim in the distance. But let us remember the virtuous resolutions made while frantically struggling to get up four minth's work in a single night,- resolutions to master each day's work as it becomes due. For, slowly, yet very surely, the inevitable finals are creeping on, when once more will "the mourners go about the streets, and the sound of the grinding be low."
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No HeadlineWe are surprised to learn that the instructor in junior themes has seen fit to require another theme from the
No HeadlineThose who attend the sophomore lectures upon English authors will be sorry to learn that the lectures cannot be continued
FACT AND RUMOR.The semis begin today. Where are the smoking cars? Mr. Riddle receives $750 per week. Pach's list of class photographs
No HeadlineTO THE EDITORS OF THE HERALD: It would be a great convenience to men who are preparing for the examinations
Fuller Loses Disputed NCAA Wrestling BoutSundry Crimson wrestlers dominated the New England A.A.U. wrestling tournament this Saturday, as Captain Peter Fuller, Varsity heavyweight, lost a