The usual round of club and society dinners may now be expected.
Mr. Lloyd McK. Garrison has been elected an editor of the CRIMSON.
Some slight alterations and improvements have recently been made in U. 5.
Duncan C. Ross, the famous athlete, is preparing himself to enter college.
The college was visited by a barge load of school children, Saturday afternoon.
Prof. Emerton will discuss the methods of study before the Historical Society this evening. It is rumored that Tufts will endeavor to send contestants to Mott Haven this spring. Lectures by students, in preparation for the examinations, were extremely well attended this year.
Several of the crews and other organized squads at the gymnasium, took a holiday on Saturday. The Princeton sketch club has a membership of twenty. This news should encourage our own club.
The number of men who have joined the Co-operative society during the past week is 10. There is some fair skating to be had on Fresh Pond, in places where the ice companies have been cutting, and where fresh ice, free from snow, has formed.
From now until Lent, the party season will continue, uninterrupted by any stifled dread of examinations.
Dartmouth will do her best to secure the base ball championship this year. She has twenty men in active training.
An effort is being made at Michigan University to organize a Rugby team to play on roller skates.-[Ex.
Vassar girls who stay at college in vacation amuse themselves by skating at the Poughkeepsee roller skating rink.
Prof. Wolcott Gibbs has just been elected a member of the physico-mathematical divisions of the Royal Academy of Berlin.
Mr. E. Gosse returned to England Jan. 27. His edition of Gray, which he mentioned in his lecture, can now be obtained.
The first of the series of English Readings will be delivered by Mr. Briggs this evening. The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales will be read.
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