
Note and Comment.


In commenting on the report of the committee of the overseers in favor of printing the quinquennial catalogue in English the Advertiser says:

"There was reason for the use of Latin in the earlier catalogues. At that time students had college names, "just as the monks had their monastic names," and were not permitted to speak English within college limits. "When Comfort and Giles, in running "across the college yard, chaffed each "other in their mother tongue, Consolantius and Aegidius were forthwith "summoned to the president's office, "and, after receiving a suitabel reprimand in the Latin of the period, were "subjected to such corporeal discipline "under the eye or the hand of the president as then commended itself to the "average Puritan and Anglo-Saxon "mind." With the abandonment of this custom, however, it would seem as if the real excuse for the use of Latin in the catalogue were no longer valiad".
