For the greater convenience of those pursuing special studies, accessions to the library are classed under the separate heads. The "Bulletin" for January gives the following detailed description of the subjects falling under each head in addition to those which the brief head itself makes apparent.
"Works of a (1) General and miscellaneous nature come first, including bibliography, library economy and history, and works on books and reading. This heading is followed by (2) Theology and philosophy, under which are placed both general and physiological psychology, ecclesiastical and biblical subjects, ethics and ethnic religions. (3) Science embraces medicine, veterinary science, pseudo-science, and magic. (4) Useful arts includes all forms of industrial science, manufactures and bandicrafts, the combative arts, agriculture, lanscape-gardening, building (but not architecture), navigation, and aeronautics. (5) Fine arts embraces music, the archaeology of art and numismatics. (6) Antiquities (including folk-lore) takes other departments of archaeology; popular ballads and tales, as well as mediaeval romances, find their places here, while ballads not of popular origin appear under the final head; here, too, are placed anthropology and ethnology. The scope of (7) History and geography (including politics and general biography) is sufficiently indicated by its title, but it should be explained that biographies of artists should be looked for under fine arts, of astronomers under science, etc.; genealogios and heraldry fall here, as well as legislation and constitutional and international law. Under (8) Law and sociology appear statistics, commerce, finance, political economy, jurisprudence, reforms, charities, education, public morality and hygiene, and public works, together with manners and customs, sports and games. (9) Philology embraces all departments, not only of language, but also of classical and oriental studies, excepting such as more properly fall under the second and sixth heads. Palaeography also is placed under this heading. Finally, (10) Litera ure includes elocution and rhetoric."
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