The Era says that athletics are booming at Cornell.
After to-day only a score of examinations remain.
Twelve or fifteen men have joined the Co-operative this week.
Sweaters have been procured for the members of the Mott Haven team.
The winter term at Dartmouth opened Jan. 22, after a vacation of four weeks.
The Brunonian says that the greatest curiosity in the Museum at Boston is a visitor.
The officers of the Advacate from '86 are, Pres: Thos. T. Baldwin, Sec: C. M. Thompson.
Carrol College, one of the oldest colleges in Wisconsin, was destroyed by fire on Jan. 30.
The next debate of the Union will probably be upon the 12th of this month, instead of the 19th.
The second half year of the Technology began yesterday. Then a vacation of over a week in duration is given after the close of their semi-annual examinations.
After the mid-years are over, only a short week and a half remain in which to make merry before Lent begins.
A freshman electrified the class the other day by gravely declaring that Smyrna was "one of the birthplaces of Homer.-(Ex.
Prof. Byerly will meet the Calculus section this afternoon, at 2 o'clock, in his recitation room, to answer any questions which may be asked.
Yesterday, a Junior heard one Freshman say to another, "Let's go into Boston to-night on a devil of a toot. We won't be back till eleven o'clock." This is fact, not rumor.
The Yale Alumni had a largely attended, and very enjoyable dinner at the Parker House, Monday evening. President Porter and Prof. Richards were present and made addresses.
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Judge Hoar's Funeral.