EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON.-The members of the Co-operative have joined the society with the distinct understanding that they were liable to an assessment, in case the society runs into debt. It was stated in the CRIMSON, the other day, that the objection to an assessment was, that it would take too long, and that, in the meanwhile, the society had no money to carry on its business with. Has not this objection been removed now ? About four hundred dollars have been subscribed. Why can not the society continue its business with this money while they are raising an assessment of, say one dollar and a half. This would give about twelve hundred dollars.
The four hundred dollars, now in hand, could then be refunded to those who have so generously given their assistance. This would place all members on the same footing. By this means the society would have a surplus of ready money at the end of the year which would enable them to start next year clear of debts.
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Judge Hoar's Funeral.