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It is but fair to the officers of the Athletic Association to state that the objections which have been made to the practice of having sparring upon one of the ladies' days, have been duly considered by them. Recognizing the fact that there is undoubtedly some ground for these objections, the management endeavored to make other arrangements for the coming sports, but in this they were unsuccessful. It was found impossible to have all the sparring and wrestling upon one day, without making that meeting both long and tedious. The only alternative, then, was to abolish the first ladies' day entirely, and to reserve but one day for the presence of the fair sex. This, they thought, would not meet with favor at the hands of the students, so the old arrangement was followed out for another year.

In this question we think the association has done what was best under the existing circumstances. For ourselves, we think the sparring events are undesirable for ladies' day, and should be happy to see then omitted. But if this cannot be-if the only alternative is no ladies' day-then the gentlemen whose friends object to sparring can attend the third meeting, while those who enjoy this sport can be accommodated on the second day as well.
