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President Eliot, commenting, in his last report on the brutality of foot ball, says, "None of the popular games or contests which have proved long lived and respectable, (The italics are our own.) like cricket, tennis, fencing, shooting at a mark, rowing, sailing, hunting, jumping, and racing on foot, horseback, or bicycle, involve any bodily collision between the contestants." The president, in omitting base ball from this list, does not say, unfortunately, whether he places the game among the new, or the disreputable sports. His opinion, however, can be conjectured from the fact that bicycle riding is put on his list. This omission of base ball may, of course, have been accidental on the president's part; but, considering the care with which the list is made out, and the prominence of the sport, such an accident seems unlikely. We shall look with interest for future developments of the president's idea.
