EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON.-I wonder how many of those who sat in the House of Representatives Saturday afternoon perceived the mistake that was made. After Congressman Long had read Mr. Winthrop's oration, the southern orator, Hon. John M. Daniel arose and delivered his.
"When Marathon was fought," he said near the end, "and Greece kept free, each of the victorious generals voted himself to be first in honor, but all agreed that Miltiades was second."
That such an error as assigning a well known story to the wrong man and the wrong battle should have been made at the dedication of the grand Washington Monument is a great pity, for it records prominently for posterity, a glaring example of careless scholarship.
It was Themistocles who was awarded the second prize of merit by the generals, and trierarchs, who concertedly wrote themselves down as worthy of the first prize, at a council held at Corinth after the battle of Salamis.
R. T. P.
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