

No Headline

The Bicycle Club has within a year or two gained for itself the reputation of being among the live and wide-awake institutions of the college. We had always supposed that this reputation was well deserved, but in this respect we must have been mistaken, if the interest in the annual dinner to-morrow is any criterion. The committee has made arrangements for a dinner of at least twenty-five or thirty members; guests have been invited, several of whom have accepted; the literary festivities of the evening have been arranged by competent persons, and everything has been done to make the dinner a success. The rest remains with the individual members of the club. As yet, however, they do not seem inclined to second these efforts. A ridiculously small number of men have signed the book at Bartlett's. All names must be put down in the book to-day, or given to some member of the committee. As the dinner will undoubtedly be a very enjoyable affair, and as the reputation of the club is at stake, we should regret to learn that the number had not been greatly increased before this evening.
