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Another grievance has been brought to light, and this time the much-abused janitors are in trouble. With their accustomed care for our wants and necessities, nearly all the janitors provide themselves with a box of tools which they are always willing to lend to the students who may be fortunate enough to be under their care. Unfortunately however, these happy students do not seem to realize the fact that such tools are loaned, and not presented to the borrowers with the compliments of the donor. We recently heard of one case in which the janitor had not a single tool left out of a complete set. This is evidently unfair, both to the janitor and to the students. One is denied the pleasure of lending, another the opportunity of borrowing.

The disappearance of the utensils in question is without doubt due to thoughtlessness and neglect, and it is on this account that we wish to remind all borrowers that they are in fact borrowers, and consequently under the obligations incumbent upon all borrowers.
