
Fact and Rumor.

Eighteen men are candidates for the Dartmouth nine.

Baker, '84, has given up the Law, and turned reporter.

The long expected change in the Monday lunch took place yesterday.

The editorial staffs of most of the college papers number from 7 to 12.

The Faculty of Wellesley will not allow the students to publish a paper.


A large number of Harvard men skated on Jamaica Pond, yesterday.

Quite a number of men intend to enter the coming sports of the Technology.

It is said that the heavy and middleweight sparring events will have but few entries this year.

Zinkeisen, S. S. fractured his collarbone Saturday afternoon, while wrestling in the gymnasium.

The themes from the Junior and Senior classes will be due March 31st, instead of March 21st, as announced yesterday.

Almost all the other colleges celebrated yesterday, ( Washington's Birthday), by having no recitations.

Some few of the delegates to the Y. M. C. A. have remained to spend a few days in Cambridge and its vicinity.

It was intended that our literary supplement should have appeared with this morning's issue, but is was unavoidably postponed until to-morrow.

The following men have been elected honorary members of the H. P. C.: Finney, E. K. Dunham, of the Medical School; Eustis, Gammell, Meyer, Evarts, of the Law School; Atherton of the Lawrence Scientific School ; Logan, Smith and Larrabee, of '85.

Chamberlain has sufficiently recovered from his late injuries as to be able to walk about with crutches.

According to the Boston Herald, " 1000 Harvard's (sic) have accepted the invitation of the Highland Rink."

The Pi Eta Society play " Engaged" at the Haverhill Academy of Music, Tuesday, March, 3.

The Trinity students have lately fallen into the habit of "suping" at the local theatre.

Owing to the article printed in the CRIMSON last week, a new set of pins and balls has been put in the bowling allies.

It is said that college graduates are very numerous in Minnesota, and that " they make very good farmers after they learn the business."

Trinity's Glee Club is to give a concert at Springfield, Mass. in connection with Camilla Urso, the Violinist, and a Harvard quartette.

Mr. G. P. Davidson, '86, will lecture on the method of least squares at the Mathematical Seminar, on Thursday, at 4 P. M.

The Princeton nine have secured the services of Lent of the Metropolitan nine to coach their team during the coming base-ball season.

Messrs. Crocker, '85; Winslow, '85; B. B. Thayer, S. S. '85; and Claflin, '86, will be the delegates from Harvard to the Inter-collegiate base ball convention which meets March 13.

The opponents of Greek as a requirement for admission argue that the proposed reform in the curriculum will probably double the number of students in the university.

A very pretty " baby German" was given in the Vendome banquet hall, Tuesday evening. A large number of students from the freshman class at Harvard were present, three of them being managers.- Globe.
