
Fact and Rumor.

Hurd, '88, has severed his connection with the college.

The marks in Freshman English were out Saturday.

A number of Harvard men will enter the Technology games on March 7th.

Mr. Green, '85, business editor of the Yale News, was among the delegates to the Y. M. C. A. convention.

The annual convention of the Lacrosse Association will be held in New York on Saturday, the 28th of Feb.


Discontent has been expressed because some of the class crews will be compelled to row hereafter on Saturday afternoon.

Prof. Dunbar will begin his lectures on " Banking" to-day. Both sections of Political Economy I will meet in Sever 11. at 9 o'clock.

By mistake the name of R. R. Belmont, '86, was omitted from the list of the first twenty-five admitted to the Hasty Pudding Society from '86.

The Middlesex Sportsman's Club will hold an all day meeting for shot gun competition at Watertown, to-day. Members of the Harvard Shooting Club are invited to be present. Cars leave Harvard Square every half hour.

Pach photographed the gymnasium Saturday, with the men exercising, for Mr. A. Z. Bowen. About 50 or 60, including the freshman and sophomore crews, are in the picture.

The music at the public meetings of the Y. M. C. A. Conference has been exceptionally good. On Friday and Saturday last the singing was led by a choir consisting of men from the Glee Club, and Mr. E. H. Ferry, '86, was organist. On Sunday, Messrs. F. S. Palmer, '86, and W. A. Locke, choir master, were the organists at the afternoon and evening services respectively. and the Glee Club led the singing.
