

Note and Comment.


Of Judge Holmes, who was a most popular professor in the Law School before he was appointed to the bench, the Gazette says: "Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., is one of the youngest men that ever sat upon the Supreme bench of Massachusetts, and he looks even very much younger than he is. It is difficult to realize that 22 years ago he was an officer in the Federal army and was left for dead upon a Southern battlefield, for he does not, as he sits upon the bench, look a day over 35. In view of his recognized learning and ability, the following will not be considered as a reflection upon his appointment: At the opening of the first term after he became a member of the court the bar was filled with barristers, and as the judges filed solemmy in and took their seats, one of the most eminent and highly esteemed lawyers glanced quickly up to the bench and, seeing Judge Holmes for the first time in that position, turned to his neighbor and in an apprehensive tone, but with a twinkle in his eye, whispered: "Good Lord! Judge, is this a kindergarten court?"
