

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves respond sidle for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- Within the past week circulars have been sent to the members of the Sophomore class, stating that the class crew is heavily in debt, and asking for immediate aid. According to the circular the amount owed is about $1200, and unless $200 is subscribed before the 1st of March, the crew will be obliged to disband. This statement has occasioned much surprise among most of the members of the class, and has called forth some rather unfavorable opinions on the management of the crew. Few men realize how expensive a crew is; especially a freshman crew for whom a barge and a shell must be bought, and their expenses at New London paid, in addition to the usual expenses of the ordinary class crew. Now, if these men who are dissatisfied with the management of the crew could see a report of its receipts and expenditures, there is no doubt that they would acknowledge that the management has been all right, and that the money subscribed has been judiciously spent. Influenced by this report, they will probably subscribe much more than they now intend to give, and thus the debt will stand a better chance of being paid off this year. Let us hope that the managers of the crew will see that it is both for their interests and for the interests of the crew that such a report be given to the class. '87.
