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The question as to how great the expenses of a class crew should be, is brought to our consideration by the following extract taken from a circular issued to the members of the sophomore class by the manager of their class crew.

"Allow me to call your attention to the fact that unless $1200 is subscribed before March 1st, our class crew will be obliged to disband.

Six hundred dollars is needed to pay the debt of last year's crew, and it will take about the same amount to run the crew this year. Every member of the class should do what he can towards paying this debt, for the holder of this debt has declared his intention of suing each member of last year's crew if it is not paid."

The necessary expenditures of a class crew are an amount varying from year to year. It depends on the serviceableness of the shell used the previous year, and upon the number of weeks the crew remains at a training table. This year the expenses of all the class crews will be lessened, not only by the amount formerly paid for a coach, but also by a decrease in the bill for a training table. In former years, when all the crews had but one coach, some of them had to row at so late an hour as to be unable to obtain dinner at Memorial. A training table was then necessary for a long time. Last year, by the day of the race in May, one class had thus spent $400.

We should consider the following the necessary expenses of one of the upper class crews: For services at the boat house, and for entrance fee at the class races, $125; new oars, $75; training table from three to four weeks, $150. This would make $350 the minimum amount necessary for a class crew, which has a barge and a good shell. It generally happens, however, that two shells are needed by a crew during four years. This has been the case with all classes from '83 to '86. The price of a shell is $350.


These figures, of course, do not apply to the running expenses of a freshman crew. A freshman class must buy a shell and a barge, furnish a training table until the end of June, and pay for a trip to New London, where living is very expensive.
