Dr. Sargent will deliver a lecture tonight before the B. Y. M. C. Union: Subject, "The Weakness of Strong Men, and the Moral Dangers of Athleticism."
Mr. Keith '83, was in Cambridge yesterday.
C. A. Porter stroked the freshman crew last Saturday.
Holmes Field was covered with skaters on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. R. Gorham has been appointed captain of the '85 tug-of-war team.
Prof. Dunbar will resume lecturing in all his courses this week.
The CRIMSON is credited with a board of 21 editors by one of its exchanges.
The current number of the Lampoon is very highly spoken of by those who have seen it.
The attendance at the gymnasium on Saturday afternoon was far smaller than it has been for some weeks.
The work on the new hand-ball court in the gymnasium is being rapidly pushed forward.
At a certain table at Memorial, the glass pickle-jar has been carefully labelled "Poison."
It is said that J. C. Faulkner, '86, will not enter the horizontal bar competition at the coming winter meetings.
There are eight vacant rooms on the Bursar's list: one in Hollis, two in Divinity, and five in College House.
In response to the CRIMSON'S suggestion of Saturday last, the bowling allies have been supplied with sponges and chalk,
The observatory at Yale College has been without a director since Prof. Newton resigned that office last May.
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