The first edition of this deservedly popular book, was exhausted in such a short time, that a second edition has recently been prepared, in which special pains have been taken to correct all errors, and to revise as carefully as possible, the work of the first edition. As the title of the book would suggest, the book aims at giving a brief synopsis of the important events of the world's history up to the present day. The subject matter is arranged in a clear and logical manner; a number of genealogical tables are scattered through the work, greatly adding to its effectiveness, and particular attention has been paid to the principal conditions of the great modern treatise through which the historical formation of the present system of European states can be observed in the best manner. The value of a book like this to the members of any of the historical courses, especially such courses as 11, 12, or 15, can only be appreciated by those who have had the benefit of the "Epitome" during the recent examinations. In the preface, the translator extends his thanks to Dr. Edward Channing who prepared the sections on the United States, and on England's colonial history, and on England's colonial history, and to Prof. Torrey and Mr. Justin Winsor for the use of valuable material.
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