
Sophomore Class Meeting.

The first business before the meeting was the election of four gentlemen to serve on the Conference committee. Messrs. H. E. Peabody, Herron, H. S. Clarke and F. S. Coolidge, were elected by acclamation. Mr. Fiske, the captain of the crew, then stated that the crew was financially embarrassed, and that unless $200 could be raised by March 1st, and $600 by April 1st, it would be impossible for eighty-seven to be represented in the Class races. No definite action was taken, but the members of the class were urged to contribute liberally.

On motion of Mr. Carroll it was voted to have a class dinner, provided fifty names could be secured. The following officers were chosen: Committee of arrangements, Messrs. Dexter, Scofield, Whistler and Herron: toastmaster, Snelling; poet, Sherman; orator, Scofield; chorister, Faulkner.
