
Inter-Collegiate Y. M. C. A.


The annual convention of the intercollegiate branches of the Young Men's Christian Association is to meet this year at Cambridge. The Christian Brethren, although not strictly a branch of the association, will act as hosts, and do the honors of the occasion. The dates of the convention are February 20, 21 and 22. The Christian Brethren expect that fully one hundred delegates will respond to their invitation, coming principally from the following colleges: twenty-five from Yale, twelve from Amherst, and the remainder from the other colleges and academies which have branches of the society among their students.

An elaborate programme for the convention has been arranged by the Harvard men. On Friday, the 20th, there will be an informal meeting held at 4 P. M., at which the delegates will be received. In the evening the formal opening of the convention will take place, the Rev. A. P. Peabody, D. D., making the principal address. He will be followed by the Rev. Phillips Brooks and Mr. Russell Sturgis, president of the Boston Y. M. C. A.

On Saturday, the 21st, three meetings will be held, at which papers and addresses by the delegates will be the chief features. Reports will also be handed in by the different college branches. Sunday afternoon, the 22d, there will be another meeting, when the Rev. A. J. Gordon, D. D., of Boston, will address the convention, and a discussion will follow. On Sunday evening the final meeting will be held to hear several gentlemen speak who are prominently connected with Christian Association work, and the convention will then be brought to a close. It was hoped that Messrs. Moody and Sayford would be present, but other engagements will prevent them from attending. A full programme of each day's proceedings will be published on convention week.
