The price of board at Memorial Hall for January, is $3.74.
The next theme in English 5 is due on Friday.
The third Harvard Assembly at Papaute's Hall occurs this evening.
The class crews are now beginning to use sliding seats in the gymnasium.
The president of the Boston Athenaeum is not President Eliot, but his cousin, Dr. Samuel Eliot.
The next meeting of the Harvard Union will be held a week from today, Feb. 19.
There are three candidates for the position of anchor on the '87 tug-of-war team, Bowen, Remington, and Scott.
The regular lectures in N. H. 5 will hereafter be given on Mondays, instead of on Wednesdays as heretofore.
The prolonged absence of Mr. Ferris the sparring master at the gymnasium, has been a source of much annoyance to a number of men who wish to begin sparring at once.
D. B. Chamberlain, '86, met with a painful accident in the gymnasium, yesterday afternoon. While practicing the pole-vault he suffered a severe dislocation of the ankle. After a doctor had been summoned, Mr. Chamberlain was removed to his room, where the dislocation was reduced.
The following men are trying for positions on the Freshman tug-of-war team: Purdon, Bancroft, Blossom, Hopkins, Holden, Goodhue, Cabot, Holder, Balch.
Holmes Field is covered with a thick layer of snow-ice, which affords very fair skating in places. Only a few college men took advantage of the opportunity for sport yesterday afternoon.
Seven members of the Freshman eleven are candidates for the class crew. Only two of the Varsity eleven are pulling with the Varsity crew At Yale a large portion of the boating men are also distinguished as foot ball players.
Captain Fargo of the Freshman nine who has been lately confined to his room on account of his knee, has recovered sufficiently to be able to coach the team, though he does not expect to practise for several days.
The following were elected officers of the Delta Upsilon for the next term: President, R. S. Bickford, '85; Vice Pres., E. N. Snyder, '86; Secretary, J. N. Palmer, '86; Treasurer, H. M. A yars, '86; Chorister, B. C. Henry, '86.
Suitable plans for the enlargement of the Yale library have been drawn under the direction of the Faculty and Corporation. A wing will probably be built extending toward the Cabinet building, three stories in height.
The following gentlemen were elected officers of St. Paul's Society at the meeting last evening: President, J. H. Gardinar, '85; vice-president, E. E. Hamlin, '86; secretary, W. Leverett, '85; treasurer, H. A. Griffin, '86; librarian, R. Duane, '88.
The students will now read, in place of the old rule about compulsory attendance at church on Sundays, that seats will be provided for students at the expense of the college in all the churches near the square.
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Notice for Freshmen.